Archive for the Uncategorized Category

The End

Posted in Uncategorized on July 21, 2009 by Adam

We have successfully returned to California. Most everything survived the move. E passed her test and got a job. I’m figuring it out.

In case you haven’t noticed we’re not updating this anymore. This was primarily a tool to keep everybody up to date. Now that we’re in CA again, this isn’t necessary. Bye everybody.

Winter Wonderland

Posted in Uncategorized on January 18, 2009 by Elizabeth

Hi all,

Again a little tardy on the posts. We are experiencing quite a winter so far. Lots of snow, lots of cold and lots of ice. I feel much more “in tune” with the weather this year than last. I guess having a dog that I need to walk at 7am regardless if it is icy, snowing and 16 degrees (without wind chill). I feel in touch with the reality of the weather here, but not as much as Adam who works outside ALL day.

We had a wonderful time in California on vacation and are back to our routine here, already longing for spring. The other day Adam said “please tell me it will get warmer soon” my answer was “I can’t lie, at least two more months.” We are using the time to read alot and I am trying to front load my work (clinical hours, papers, thesis) so that in march and april I can enjoy more socializing before graduation and less studying.



p1000130I was excited to learn that the Lerners have the tradition of Gingerbread houses, it had been a while since I made one, but my frosting skills returned.



p1000175Hank, Lia and Lady

p1000180December in Carmel 🙂


p1000202I don’t think Adam knew what he was signing up for when he joined my family.


p1000242This picture cracks me up, it is kinda like “Boy and his dog”

p1000244Reunion with Maple

p1000245I think she is trying to figure out why he is holding her

p1000256I am trying to write my Thesis (painfully), Maple is trying to get my attention, the other day I was on the couch writing and she just sat there like that and stared at me typing for the longest time.

Catch up

Posted in Uncategorized on November 6, 2008 by Adam

This is Elizabeth writing under Adam’s Alias. I forgot my password and I don’t want to bother getting a new one..

Here are some updates from the past several weeks. I have been busy with school, generally tired and ready to graduate. My mom and Bill visited two weeks ago, we had a great time eating out and exploring the state.


Here is my new favorite photo of Maple. So cute and finally acting more obedient, but still just as needy, Imagine me trying to sit on the couch and write this right now, with her staring at me like that. So cute, a little creepy, but so cute.


In our backyard. This is a signature Bill picture with Adam and I looking at eachother.




Overlooking New Haven


We drove to the North East corner of Ct for the day, I felt like I was in Vermont!


Bad hair day? I guess Adam was the only one who escaped that one.


East rock park- still a lot of trees to change.


Yes- Bill visited as well. These were all his pics, so since he was the one behind the camera, I don’t have any he is in.


Posted in Uncategorized on October 21, 2008 by Adam

Here are some pictures from our weekend trip to Philadelphia a few weeks ago. We got to see a lot of cool things, notably the Phillies ( Citizen Bank ballpark – stadium #11)  clinching a playoff spot, Reading Market (and a cheesesteak), the Liberty bell, Independence Hall, and walked around a pretty good chunk of the area around our hotel.

We forgot our camera, so these were all taken with my cellphone.

The studying blurrrrr

Posted in Uncategorized on April 14, 2008 by Elizabeth

I am deep into my NCLEX (Nursing board exam) funk. I am on my final study countdown and can’t wait to be done with this and finally be an RN… That is if my test date goes well.

I am tired of looking at questions like these:

1)”A nurse is assessing a client with a suspected diagnosis of hypocalcemia. Which of the following clinical manifestations are not associated with this diagnosis?

A) hypoactive bowel sounds

B) Parasthesias

C) Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes

D)Positive Trousseau’s sign

Mean while I ask myself:

2)A nurse is assessing the change of season. After drop kicking her NCLEX book out the front door and finished her prospectus (translation: big chunk of thesis) which patient will the RN attend to first?

A) The subaru who has been wanting to leave Connecticut all spring and complains of muscle stiffness

B) The community garden plot with a low serum albumin with a TPN infusion running

C) The wedding planning that has been put on the back burner and is complaining of shorness of breath

D) The kitchen floor awaiting a bed bath

(Answer to be decided, but chances are I will go with the Respiratory compromise.)

A few confessions I hate how in medical lingo they name everything after someone… Why? It makes everything so much more complex. Graves disease, Murphy sign, McBurney point, Trousseau’s sign, Brudinski sign, Finklestien etc….. blah. I guess if there were a Stoffers’ sign or a Causey’s sign I wouldn’t be complaining, in the meantime it makes memorization a pain in the @**.